
Fasting Lunch on Wednesday


Engaging the Public to Correspond With Legislators


Honoring the Relationship Between the US and Israel


Educating on the Historical Significance of Faith in America


Speaking on the vision of Faith for America and Sharing God’s Word


Advising Alongside Leaders and Legislators on Building a Culture of Faith

Our Mission

Faith for America is a ministry devoted to growing the presence and
influence of the Christian Faith in today’s world, both on the homefront and in the political arena.

F.L.O.W. for America is an initiative to promote prayer by fasting lunch on Wednesdays.
Join the movement. Fast lunch on Wednesdays and write your prayers on a bag. #flow.


F.L.O.W. for America is an initiative to promote fasting lunch on Wednesday’s in order to pray that God will send Revival to the Church and an Awakening to the Nation. You can engage with us on our social media accounts and remember to use #FLOW.


We are helping Christians to engage with legislators and leaders. Abraham Lincoln said it best. “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it.” You have a voice and those who speak can be heard. Learn more here about capitol correspondence.


In an effort to honor the sacred relationship between the U.S. and Israel we are engaging audiences both in America and abroad. We believe that this is a premise of Biblical text and our duty as a nation to support God’s chosen people. You too can be a part of this effort.


Education is the key to preserving our rich heritage and preparing future generations for the right and fight for Faith in America. The history of our founding fathers is where we begin, and teach the truths of America’s foundation to young people and communities alike.


As the founder of Faith for America, Bobby Stewart conducts speaking engagements in schools, churches, to civic groups and legislatures. These engagements range from addressing special topics of interest to revival services. Reach out through our contact form here to discuss topics or book an event.


We are actively working directly with legislators and leaders to advise, counsel, and encourage them both personally and professionally. From community leaders to pastors, we are working to make a difference one person at a time. Acting as a messenger for our supporters and a voice for the Christian community you will find us working to foster Faith across America.


Bobby Stewart

With more than 25 years of experience, Bobby Stewart has served as a Pastor, Educator, Healthcare Professional, Christian School Founder, and Christian Political Advisor. Through his personal and professional relationships and experiences Bobby has become sought after as a mentor and minister to Churches, Pastors, and Legislators alike. As a result, Bobby founded “Faith for America” in order to better influence the role Faith is playing in the lives of our people and our country. With his wife Starla and two children by his side, Bobby is making a difference with his message of Hope and Faith with each new opportunity.

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? ~ Luke 18:8

Seeking Your Support

Our efforts are made possible by the prayers and generous financial contributions of people like you. Every donation makes a huge difference. To donate simply click the link below, or contact us directly. Thank you for your prayers and all you do for this ministry.

Calendar of Events

october, 2024